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Monday, November 12, 2012

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
Discover Adobe« Dreamweaver CS3 software, which now includes CSS tools, Ajax components for building dynamic user interfaces, and intelligent integration with other Adobe software.

Spry framework for Ajax
Spry data
Spry widgets
Spry effects
Adobe Photoshop« and Fireworks« integration
Browser Compatibility Check
CSS Advisor website
CSS layouts
CSS management
Adobe Device Central CS3

Spry framework for Ajax
Visually design, develop, and deploy dynamic user interfaces using the Spry framework for Ajax. Add interactivity, speed, and usability while reducing page refreshes.

Spry data
Integrate data into web pages using XML from an RSS feed or a database. Integrated data can be easily sorted and filtered.

Spry widgets
Easily add common interface components such as lists, tables, tabs, form validation, and repeatable regions to web pages with widgets from the Spry framework for Ajax.

Spry effects
Easily add visual transitions to page elements to make them grow, shrink, fade, highlight, and more with the Spry effects for Ajax.

Adobe Photoshop and Fireworks integration
Copy and paste directly from Adobe Photoshop® CS3 or Fireworks® CS3 into Dreamweaver CS3 to leverage assets from your prototype in your finished project.

Browser Compatibility Check
Save time and ensure a more consistent experience across browsers and operating systems with the new Browser Compatibility Check. Generate reports that identify CSS-related issues in a variety of browsers, without needing to launch the browsers.

CSS Advisor website
Find fast solutions to browser-specific CSS issues with the new CSS Advisor website, an online community featuring a wealth of user-contributed solutions and insight.

CSS layouts
Easily incorporate CSS into your project with the new CSS layouts. Extensive comments in each template explain the layout, so beginning and intermediate designers can learn quickly. Each template can be customized for your project.

CSS management
Easily move CSS code from inline to head, from head to external sheet, from document to document, or between external sheets. Cleaning up existing CSS in older pages has never been easier.

DOWNLOAD:  Adobe Dreamweaver CS3

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